Climate Change Mitigation
Multiple Benefits of Emission Reduction
Officials responsible for a nation’s economy increasingly want to know if there are investments and efforts that can advance urgent development priorities like air quality and, at the same time address the challenges of our rapidly warming world.
Climate Change & Health​
Climate Change is a risk multiplier that threatens to unravel decades of development gains. Among the most critical and direct risks to humans is the impact of climate change on health.​
“Climate Change and Health: Approach and Action Plan”
"Air Pollution-related Health and Climate Benefits of Clean Cookstove Programs in Mozambique"
Short-Lived Climate Pollutants ​
Apart from the potential global benefit of changing the trajectory of surface warming, addressing SLCPs offers several tangible local benefits.​
“Short-lived Climate Pollutants & USAID’s Climate Strategy: Achieving Fast Mitigation”
“Black Carbon Finance Study Group Report 2015”
"Sources of Black Carbon Deposition to the Himalayan Glaciers in Current and Future Climates"
View link here
“Integration of short-lived climate pollutants in World Bank activities”
“Glaciers of the Himalayas: Climate Change, Black Carbon, and Regional Resilience”
View link here
“On Thin Ice: How Cutting Pollution Can Slow Warming and Save Lives”